Installed packages on OpenBSD 6.4 VM box

OpenBSD/amd64 6.4 $ pkg_info at

The following packages have been installed or upgraded as of approx. 14th of June, 2019:

$ pkg_info
adwaita-icon-theme-3.28.0p1 base icon theme for GNOME
at-spi2-atk-2.26.2  atk-bridge for at-spi2
at-spi2-core-2.28.0p0 service interface for assistive technologies
atk-2.28.1          accessibility toolkit used by gtk+
avahi-0.7p4         framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery
bash-4.4.23         GNU Bourne Again Shell
bzip2-1.0.6p9       block-sorting file compressor, unencumbered
cairo-1.15.12       vector graphics library
cdparanoia-3.a9.8p3 CDDA reading utility with extra data verification features
chromium-69.0.3497.100p0 Chromium browser
clojure-   Lisp-1 dialect for the Java Virtual Machine
cmake-3.10.2p0v0    portable build system
colord-1.3.5p1      device color profile management daemon
colordiff-1.0.18    colorized diff tool
consolekit2-1.2.1p0 framework for defining and tracking users, sessions & seats
cups-libs-2.2.8p0   CUPS libraries and headers
curl-7.61.1         get files from FTP, Gopher, HTTP or HTTPS servers
cvsps-2.1p2         generate patchsets from CVS repositories
dbus-1.12.10p0v0    message bus system
dbus-daemon-launch-helper-1.12.10 DBus setuid helper for starting system services
dconf-0.28.0p1      configuration backend system
desktop-file-utils-0.23p9 utilities for dot.desktop entries
dos2unix-7.4.0      convert DOS/MAC files to UNIX (line-endings/charset)
e2fsprogs-1.42.12p4 utilities to manipulate ext2 filesystems
elixir-1.7.3        functional language for building scalable applications
enca-1.19p0         detect character set and encoding of text files
erlang-19.3p4v0     real-time, concurrent and distributed functional language
ffmpeg-2.8.15v0     audio/video converter and streamer
flac-1.3.2p1        free lossless audio codec
flock-20110525p1    flock(2) manager for shell scripts
fribidi-1.0.5       library implementing the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm
gcc-4.9.4p12        GNU compiler collection: core C compiler
gcc-libs-4.9.4p12   GNU compiler collection: support libs
gdbm-1.16           GNU dbm
gdk-pixbuf-2.36.12  graphic library for gtk+2
gettext-  GNU gettext runtime libraries and programs
giflib-5.1.4        tools and library routines for working with GIF images
git-2.19.1          GIT - Tree History Storage Tool
glib2-2.56.3p0      general-purpose utility library
glib2-networking-2.56.1p0 network-related gio modules for GLib
gmake-4.2.1         GNU make
gmp-6.1.2p1         library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
gnome-icon-theme-3.12.0p5 base icon theme for GNOME
gnome-icon-theme-symbolic-3.12.0p3 base icon theme extension for special UI contexts
gnutls-3.5.19       GNU Transport Layer Security library
go-1.11             Go programming language
graphite2-1.3.12    rendering for complex writing systems
gsettings-desktop-schemas-3.28.1 collection of shared GSettings schemas
gsm-1.0.18          GSM audio codec library and converter
gtk+2-2.24.32p2     multi-platform graphical toolkit
gtk+3-3.22.30p4     multi-platform graphical toolkit
gtk+3-cups-3.22.30p0 gtk+3 CUPS print backend
gtk-update-icon-cache-3.22.30p1 gtk+ icon theme caching utility
harfbuzz-1.9.0      text shaping library
hicolor-icon-theme-0.17 fallback theme of the icon theme specification
htop-2.2.0p7        interactive process viewer
icu4c-58.2p6        International Components for Unicode
intel-firmware-20180312v0 firmware binary images for intel(4) driver
jansson-2.11        library for manipulating JSON data
jasper-2.0.14       reference implementation of JPEG-2000
javaPathHelper-1.0  helper script for launching java applications
jdk-   OpenJDK Software Development Kit v1.8.0.172
jpeg-2.0.0v0        SIMD-accelerated JPEG codec replacement of libjpeg
json-glib-1.4.4     JSON parser for GLib-based libraries and applications
jsoncpp-1.8.4p0     JSON parsing C++ API
lame-3.100p1        lame ain't an MP3 encoder
lcms-1.19           color management library
lcms2-2.9           color management library
libao-1.2.0p1       portable audio output library
libarchive-3.3.3    multi-format archive and compression library
libass-0.13.7p0     portable ASS/SSA subtitle renderer
libbluray-1.0.0p0   library supporting Blu-ray playback
libbs2b-3.1.0p2     Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP
libcroco-0.6.12     generic CSS parsing library for GNOME project
libdaemon-0.14p1    lightweight C library that eases the writing of daemons
libdockapp-0.4.0p5  dockapp-making standard library for Window Maker
libdv-1.0.0p3       Quasar DV codec
libdvdcss-1.4.2     descramble scrambled DVDs
libdvdnav-5.0.3v0   DVD navigation library
libdvdread-5.0.3p0  accessing DVD files
libelf-0.8.13p4     read, modify, create ELF files on any arch
liberation-fonts-2.00.1p1 substitute for MS TTF core fonts
libev-4.24p0        high-performance event loop library
libexecinfo-0.3p1v0 clone of backtrace facility found in the GNU libc
libexif-0.6.21p1    extract digital camera info tags from JPEG images
libffi-3.2.1p4      Foreign Function Interface
libgcrypt-1.8.3     crypto library based on code used in GnuPG
libgnome-keyring-3.12.0p4 library for gnome keyring integration
libgpg-error-1.32   error codes for GnuPG related software
libiconv-1.14p3     character set conversion library
libid3tag-0.15.1bp5 library for reading ID3 tags
libidn2-2.0.0p0     implementation of IDNA2008 internationalized domain names
libmad-0.15.1bp4    high-quality MPEG audio decoder
libmicrohttpd-0.9.59 tiny embeddable httpd library written in C
libmng-1.0.10p3     Multiple-image Network Graphics (MNG) reference library
libmpc-0.9p1        complex numbers math library
libnettle-3.4       cryptographic library
libogg-1.3.3        Ogg bitstream library
libproxy-0.4.15p0   library handling all the details of proxy configuration
libpsl-0.17.0       public suffix list library
librsvg-2.44.6p0    SAX-based render library for SVG files
libsndfile-1.0.28   library to handle various audio file formats
libsoup-2.62.3      HTTP client/server library for GNOME
libtasn1-4.13p0     Abstract Syntax Notation One structure parser library
libunistring-0.9.7  manipulate Unicode strings
libuv-1.19.1p1      multi-platform library for asynchronous I/O
libv4l-1.14.2       libv4l userspace library
libvorbis-1.3.6     audio compression codec library
libvpx-1.7.0v0      Google VP8/VP9 video codec
libxml-2.9.8p0      XML parsing library
libxslt-1.1.32      XSLT C Library for GNOME
lua-5.2.4p1         powerful, light-weight programming language (version 5.2.4)
lynx-2.8.9rel1      text web browser
lz4-1.8.3           fast BSD-licensed data compression
lzo2-2.10p0         portable speedy lossless data compression library
mariadb-client-10.0.36v1 multithreaded SQL database (client)
maven-3.5.3         software project management and comprehension tool
mpfr-        library for multiple-precision floating-point computations
mpg321-0.3.2        free clone of mpg123, a command-line mp3 player
mplayer-20180916p0  movie player supporting many formats
nghttp2-1.33.0      library for HTTP/2
nginx-1.14.0p1      robust and small HTTP server and mail proxy server
node-8.12.0         V8 JavaScript for clients and servers
noto-emoji-20150929p0 emoji fonts for the noto font family
noto-fonts-20150929p2 pan-unicode font family
nspr-4.20           Netscape Portable Runtime
nss-3.39            libraries to support development of security-enabled apps
opus-1.2.1          IETF audio codec
p11-kit-0.23.2p1    library for loading and enumerating PKCS#11 modules
p5-Canary-Stability-2012 canary to check perl compatibility for schmorp's modules
p5-Digest-HMAC-1.03p0 interface to HMAC Message-Digest Algorithms
p5-EV-4.22p0        perl interface to libev
p5-Error-0.17025    error/exception handling in an OO-ish way
p5-IO-Socket-SSL-2.060 Perl SSL sockets with IO::Socket interface
p5-Mojolicious-7.70p0 next generation web framework for Perl
p5-Net-DNS-1.18     perl interface to the domain name system
p5-Net-SSLeay-1.85  perl module for using OpenSSL
p5-common-sense-3.74 perl common defaults with lower memory usage
pango-1.42.4p0      library for layout and rendering of text
pcre-8.41           perl-compatible regular expression library
png-1.6.35          library for manipulating PNG images
polkit-0.115        framework for granting privileged operations to users
popt-1.16p1         getopt(3)-like library with a number of enhancements
pstree-2.39p0       list processes as a tree
py3-dnspython-1.15.0 DNS toolkit for Python
py3-pip-9.0.3       Python easy_install replacement
py3-setuptools-40.0.0v0 simplified packaging system for Python modules
python-2.7.15p0     interpreted object-oriented programming language
python-3.6.6p1      interpreted object-oriented programming language
quirks-3.16         exceptions to pkg_add rules
rebar19-2.6.2p0     Erlang build tool
recode-3.6p11       convert files between character sets and usages
rhash-1.3.5         utility and library for computing hash sums
rlwrap-0.43         generic readline wrapper for various programs
rsync-3.1.3         mirroring/synchronization over low bandwidth links
rxvt-unicode-9.22p6 clone of rxvt with Unicode and Xft support
sdl-1.2.15p9        cross-platform multimedia library
shared-mime-info-1.10p4 shared mime database for desktops
speex-1.2.0         patent-free speech codec
speexdsp-1.2rc3     speech processing DSP library
spidermonkey-52.8.1v1 C/C++ Mozilla's JavaScript engine implementation
sqlite3-3.24.0p0    embedded SQL implementation
startup-notification-0.12p6 library for tracking application startup
sudo-1.8.25         execute a command as another user
tiff-4.0.9          tools and library routines for working with TIFF images
tree-0.62           print ascii formatted tree of a directory structure
unzip-6.0p11        extract, list & test files in a ZIP archive
vala-0.40.10        compiler for the GObject type system
vim-8.1.0438-no_x11 vi clone, many additional features
wget-1.19.5         retrieve files from the web via HTTP, HTTPS and FTP
windowmaker-0.95.8p2 window manager that emulates NEXTSTEP(tm)
wmclockmon-0.8.1    WindowMaker clock
wmnetload-1.3p3     wm-dockapp; simple network interface monitoring tool
x264-20180908       free H.264/MPEG-4 AVC encoder
x265-2.8            free H.265/HEVC encoder
xdg-utils-1.1.3p0   utilities to assist desktop integration tasks
xvidcore-1.3.4      ISO MPEG-4 compliant video codec
xz-5.2.4            LZMA compression and decompression tools
zip-3.0p0           create/update ZIP files compatible with PKZip(tm)
zstd-1.3.5p0        zstandard fast real-time compression algorithm

OpenBSD 6.4 has been upgraded to the 6.5 release.